As an Oracle and Spiritual Guide since 2017, I’m dedicated to offering clarity and promoting well-being. I am committed to helping you channel YOUR truth.
Lines of Consultancy
Tipos de consulta
tarot & oráculo
Arcángeles, Ancestros, Animales y más. Desde $107COP
Archangels, Ancestors, Animals and more. From $35USD
Barras Access
Líberate de la carga electromagnética de pensamientos y emociones obsoletas. $230COP __________________________________
Free yourself from the electromagnetic charge of obsolete thoughts and emotions. $120USD
Limpieza de aura, alineación de chakras, equilibrio energético. $100COP ___________________________
Aura cleansing, chakra alignment, energy balance. $30USD
Virtual y presencial _____________________________________ Online and in-person.
Access Bars
Sólo presencial ___________________________________________Just in person.
Virtual y presencial ______________________________________ Online and in-person.
Virtual y Presencial ______________________________________ Online and in-person.
Muchas gracias Lía! Como siempre eres puente y mensajera de Dios para traer calma, fe y esperanza a mi vida. Gracias a Dios por tu Don y a tí, por compartirlo.
K. Lopez
Thank you very much Lía! As always, you are a bridge and messenger of God to bring calm, faith, and hope to my life. Thank God for your Gift and you for sharing it.
Consulta mi contenido en redes sociales y lecturas generales colectivas. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Check for my social media content and collective general readings.
Social Media
Consulta mi contenido en redes sociales y lecturas generales colectivas. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Check for my social media content and collective general readings.
Accede al contenido. ______________________________________ Access to the content.
Checa la página. ________________________________________ Check the page.
Agenda tu cita. ____________________________________________Book your session.